CEC Assembly issues statements on Ukraine, climate change and migration

CEC Assembly issues statements on Ukraine, climate change and migration Photo: Albin Hillert/CEC

Press Release No: 23/23
20 June 2023

The CEC General Assembly has issued strong statements regarding the war in Ukraine, climate change and the eco-crisis, and the issue of migration and displacement. The messages were released on 20 June, the last day of the assembly that convened in Tallinn, Estonia. 

Climate change and the eco-crisis

“The world faces a future defining crisis brought about by human exploitation of the earth and its resources. According to the Judeo-Christian tradition, human beings are responsible for stewarding the material world – dominion, not domination – and remain called to take responsibility for shaping its resources.”

Read the full statement

Migration and displacement

“Christians heed the call of Jesus Christ to care for the stranger, the neighbour, the other – seeing our own interests tied up with the interests of others. We reject the increasing use of language that categorises or dehumanises people on the move. We encourage a use of imaginative language that looks through the eyes of the sufferer and places oneself in their place.”

Read full statement


“CEC calls on churches, governments and civil society to support Ukraine’s resistance to Russia’s aggression. The road to a future peace will not be easy. Churches, especially those currently divided according to political or regional alignment, contribute to the conflict and suffering and must seek to be peacemakers, agents of justice and truth, advocates of accountability and human rights.”

Read full statement

For more information or an interview, please contact:

Naveen Qayyum
Communication Officer
Conference of European Churches
Rue Joseph II, 174 B-1000 Brussels
Tel. +32 486 75 82 36
E-mail: naveen@cec-kek.be
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