Press Centre

News from CEC


Photos provided in this section can be used freely by our Member Churches, Organisations in Partnership and media, provided credit is given upon publication. Please give credit in the form of “Photographer’s name/CEC”. CEC photos are not allowed to be further sub-licensed or sold to third parties.

Other Photos:

CEC Leadership

Assembly documents

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Our logo

Our logo represents CEC’s overall visual identity. CEC only allows the use of its logo for Member Churches, National Councils of Churches, and Organisations in Partnership to illustrate collaborative initiatives. The logo may not be used by non-related organisations or for any commercial purposes. Conference of European Churches requires other organisations or a third party to request permission to use the logo.

Copyright: Conference of European Churches

Click here to download CEC new logo

For media enquiries and interviews please contact:

Naveen Qayyum
Communication Officer
Tel. +32 486 75 82 36
E-mail: naveen